Looters Are Criminals, Not Protesters: 3 Specifics, And Why We Support The Latter!

In, an apparent attempt to, either, divert our attention, or point to the abhorrent behavior of a small minority of looters, and lump them together, with the efforts of the peaceful majority of protesters, in order to minimize the merit of an opposing argument, this President has, used, what seems to be his playbook, where he complains, and blame others, while assuming no personal responsibility, regarding these recent protests, both, here in the United States, as well as in many cities, around the world! Unfortunately, there are always, some bad apples, whether it relates to rogue, violent policeman, or a few rioters! Only, when/ if, we call it, what it is, which means, protesters are right to protest this atrocity, as well as what seems like years of Institutional Racism, as opposed to looters, and arsons, who are, actually, merely, criminals (who seem to be taking advantage of the situation)! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 3 specifics, regarding this stressful issue/ matter.

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1. Looters and arsons are criminals: Looting and setting fires, are not protesting, nor any form of a legal protest. In fact, they are often, not only, wrong, but, are harmful, to the effectiveness of any justified protests! Most Americans have empathy for, and, support peaceful demonstrations, and/ or, protests, but fear, loathe, and oppose, looting and arson!

2. Protesters/ protesting/ the Right to Assemble/ Organize, etc: This nation’s freedom was based on protesting injustice! The Civil Rights Movement, of the 1950’s and 1960’s, led by the late, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, emphasized non – violent protesting/ demonstrations! Unfortunately, in the past few years, rather than any improvement in the battle against this systematic form of racism, the frustrations, profiling, and injustices, seem to be, propping – up their ugly heads, once again! We have witnessed numerous, unjustified attacks on African – Americans, by policeman, and, very little, done, to reverse these trends! This recent attack, in Minnesota, seen by millions (at least), either, live, or on videotape, created the straw that broke the camel’s back! Rightly so, many felt frustrated, threatened, at – risk, or, we’ve seen this before, and took to the streets, to protest, legally! In this nation, we have the right to assemble, organize, and protest, as long, as it is peaceful!

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3. Need to be smart, when protesting: Now, more than ever, during these stressful times, in the midst of a pandemic, we need to be smarter, more vigilant, peaceful, and respectful of Social Distancing, and willing to wear a mask, to protect others! While these protests are justified, it’s counter – productive, to do so, if it risks health, and well – being, infections and re – infections, and potentially risks, the death of some!

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Wake up, America, and be smarter and more effective, in achieving necessary priorities, and goals! Unless/ until, we all declare, looters are bad apples, and harming the protesters message, and impact, and, when protesting, we must pay attention to the current public health needs, necessities, and precautions, we won’t get the changes, we seek!

by Richard Brody

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