About Paranormal Encounters

Pervasive eerie feelings of dread overshadows our logic and understanding when an unexplained event is occurring. Somehow we automatically associate encounters of the paranormal as being something demonic or fearful. Rarely, it seems, do psychic participants take offense at these invasions by apparitions no matter how astonished they may be. In one intriguing experience my colleague Yvonne had called me from her mobile phone asking me to assist her in disarming a benevolent spirit who was at that very moment causing her great distress because she was on the road traveling to another town.

Convinced of a psychic attack of some sort I asked Yvonne to focus her attention on one single object in her view. It was difficult at first getting her to concentrate on anything but with continued verbal persuasion she managed to focus on a street sign up ahead and as she did the spirit fell quiet. Yvonne explained to me that she had just come from a weekend psychic fare where she had been working non-stop. Her last customer was a person who had several entities attached causing the person much sorrow to the point of losing everything, their home, their job and marriage.

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The encounter Yvonne experienced was one of those horrific events we tend to associate with a thriller on the big screen. She explained that her car began to shake as if in an earthquake and when she pulled to the side of the road, outbursts of flames surrounded the car. While on the phone with me, she described a human shape appearing out of the flames.

Accounts of paranormal encounters such as Yvonne’s are numerous, unfortunately, most have gone undocumented in fear of being ridiculed by our piers and quite of often making us doubt the experience of ever happening at all. We tend to ‘create’ reasons for it not to be real such as stress or sleep deprivation to be the culprit even though we may have just come from a day spa and had 8 hours of sleep.

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Encounters of the paranormal happen all the time here in the 21st Century. The barrier between the dimensions are down. There is barely any veil at all between this physical world and the spirit world. People around the world are capable of seeing ghostly apparitions, visitors from other worlds, and from time to time we have visitors from other time periods.

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An ever growing number of people are now beginning to explore their own intuitive process and are seeking out practitioners to guide them into a new reality in the supernatural world we live in. In my opinion it is just a matter of time that we acknowledge evidence of collective fixations of thinking of the paranormal as the new “normal”.

There have been several references to shadow creatures and shadow people to paranormal encounters. It seems that these shadow beings are attaching themselves to the investigators. It leads me to wonder if these beings are actually trying to communicate with us now whereas before they would disappear the minute you faced them head on.

by Barbara Garcia

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